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Water Quality Update for October 5, 2021

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Although we are in-between our regularly scheduled Friday updates, we wanted to report that we have been seeing harmful algae blooms along the shoreline the last two days. Conditions have been relatively calm, but a subtle northeast wind means we have been getting reports predominantly on the west side of the lake. See photos below, captured today by volunteers.

With this recent change in shoreline conditions, it is strongly recommended to avoid areas where you notice discolored water, streaking of algae, surface scums, or “pea soup” like conditions. Please use caution before entering the water or letting pets swim in the lake. As recommended by the DEC, if you see it, avoid it.

At this point, these are not lake-wide blooms, and we have still been getting good clarity out in the open water by our secchi disk measurements. However, if winds stay calm and we see sunny conditions in the coming days, shoreline blooms may continue.

We will share more per our weekly Friday update, but we wanted to urge all recreational lake users to please use caution before recreating in the lake.


More Information on Blue Green Algae

Click below for our Harmful Algae Bloom brochure.

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